AC WORKS® Connector — Surge Protector

What are the Differences Between Surge Protectors and Circuit Breakers?

Posted by Stephanie Junek on

There can be a wide variety of protective technology built into an electrical appliance, but the two most common are surge protectors and circuit breakers. So what is the difference between the two? Surge protectors protect your electrical appliances from voltage spikes. A voltage spike is when a cord or appliance exceeds the voltage it is rated for, resulting in permanent damage to your appliance. The most common places you will see these installed are power strips like our PSROT-072. Usually, you will have computers, TVs, entertainment systems, and office equipment plugged into one of these. The most common cause...

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Surge Protectors: How they Protect You

Posted by Stephanie Junek on

A power surge is a spike in power that can damage your electronics, burnt wires, damage electrical, and cause a fire.  The power surge happens once the voltage in your home electrical rises above the standard.

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Reasons for Your RV Electric Problems

Posted by Stephanie Junek on

Electrical problems are more common than you think.  Whether you own a 30 Amp RV or a 50 Amp RV, you should have a basic understanding of your RV electrical system. 

Resetting a breaker or a GFCI that has kicked out, replacing a blown fuse are all small problems you can figure out on your own.  Big problems involving AC power or propane should be left to the professional service technicians. Is your problem big or not?

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